"Art-Banking" is a service of "Golden Section" auction house on recommendations to customers, in what kind of art works it is more profitable to invest capital for them that they could sale them in the future, if desired, with a profit.

Painting and antiques collecting has always been prerogative of people with high public status and sophisticated taste. First art collectors appeared in antiquity era and in Renaissance collecting became a matter of national importance: rulers competed in their significance and were proud of greatness of their collections.

Today with formation of a civilized pricing institute (auction houses, galleries) professional art, in addition to its aesthetic feature, is regarded as a powerful and profitable means of investing.

The annual volume of world antiques and painting market comes up to 27 billion dollars. The volume of Ukrainian art market comprises 150-200 million dollars a year and this figure is growing every year. According to analysts’ data at international auctions more than 75% of purchased lots are paintings, Ukraine is no exception.

Taking into account sale of the previous seven years in Ukraine (2004 - 2011), the most attractive to collectors at Ukrainian auction is Ukrainian painting of XIX-XX centuries, the Russian classical art, painting of artists-nonconformists and rapidly developing contemporary art.

Relying on professional expertise and art market condition at the moment, taking into account customer’s preferences and his/her budget, our experts will form an investment portfolio consisting of paintings of leading Ukrainian artists of XIX-XXI centuries.

This service is designed both for corporate and private investors. The range of services is diverse and covers the following areas:

Analysis of market trends of art works in collaboration with leading experts, allows us to carry out an adequate assessment of art works value at the moment, as evidenced by sales dynamics of any artist at Ukrainian and international auctions. This allows the customer to manage efficiently the portfolio consisting of art works, providing investment increase in addition to high artistic value.

Contact us by phone numbers: +38 (044) 386 81 81, +38 (044) 240 95 32 or by e-mail [email protected] and we will register you for a free consultation on art banking.